Monday, March 31, 2008
New York Trip
Posted by Amanda at 10:43 AM 10 comments
Monday, March 24, 2008
Hit the road RAT and don't ya come back, no more, no more, no more, no more!
Posted by Amanda at 10:58 AM 6 comments
Friday, March 21, 2008
Camden Aquarium
Posted by Amanda at 10:41 AM 0 comments
On a lighter note...
Basically I'm sick of looking at that mouse picture. I'm tempted to go in and erase it. There is something morbidly fascinating about it, but it's really starting to creep me out! We have the maintenance men coming today to bring in "sticky" traps. Hopefully they'll work better. The awful thing about that is that the mouse will probably still be alive when we find it. Yikes. So I decided I'd much rather see pictures of the kids when I sign on so here is one I love of Casey and Bennett.
And I couldn't resist putting this one of Maya enjoying her computer time on. I've finally found a game she loves and is willing to earn stickers (work) for. I had never heard of the website but my friend Sierra told me about it last week and I though "well it's worth a try" and it's been wonderful. I like but it's a little difficult to navigate and they have a wide variety of ability levels where starfall is much more simple. Maya is really loving it (and she is getting better at her letters by doing it)!
Posted by Amanda at 10:26 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Posted by Amanda at 5:29 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Just to ease the worry of everyone out there I'd like to announce that I purchased mouse traps today (4 of them to be exact), and I have already placed one. Yesterday I notice had a bunch (a whole bunch) of mouse poop behind my cook books (my current theory is that they like to go back there and nibble the delicious tidbits that get on the cook book pages as I'm cooking. So I got it all cleaned out and sanitized (oh crap that reminds me that I forgot to buy bleach when I was at the store), then I put everything back and this morning there was a bunch (not near as much as yesterday but still a bunch) more poop. So I moved everything to new spots so the counter was completley clean, then my smarty Casey suggested keeping everything where it was so I would know where to catch the little bugger (at least now I know where he likes to hang out), so I did. I'm expecting to hear a loud SNAP at any second. Keep your fingers crossed!
Posted by Amanda at 2:15 PM 7 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
Luck of the Irish to you all
I was in charge of Joyschool this week, and decided I'd do a lesson on Exercise today (Wednesday is our Easter party so I just took it easy today). We had a pretty good time together (other than the fact that each child cried at least once) playing movement games and coloring pictures of people exercising. Well about two hours after Joyschool ended I talked to Sarah on the phone and she mentioned that she was trying to think of something for dinner that she could turn green, then it dawned on me...It's St. Patty's day and I missed it! I didn't even mention it to the kids today, and I totally should have pinched at least my two but I didn't. I guess I could still do it, but I feel like such a slug for forgetting (if I was more like my wonderful mother-in-law I would have woken up early, turned all the furniture over (claiming that a Leprechaun did it) and made green eggs and ham). And even with Sarah reminding me I still made a boring ol' (non green) dinner.
On a lighter note I won my first giveaway. Molly (Casey's cousins wife) had two weeks of giveaways and I won one of them (a cute little baby shirt with a bird on it). I guess the luck of the Irish really is with me!
Posted by Amanda at 6:40 PM 4 comments
Friday, March 14, 2008
Big Boy Clothes
So here are some shots of Bennett in his "big boy" clothes Aunt Sarah sent him (thanks a-million Sarah). I couldn't believe my eyes when I discovered my giant among babies was wearing 6-9 month clothing. Even if he is enormous he's still pretty darn tootin' cute, just ask his bubby and sissy!
Posted by Amanda at 5:39 PM 5 comments
Hair cut
Porter came up to me yesterday and said "Mom can I get a haircut so I can get a toy?" Who does he think I am? Nana? Anyway I gave them both haircuts and here they are, I'm not sure if you can really tell the pic is kind of dark. And Porter got three matchbox cars and Maya got a little "castle pony" (like a knights horse)
Posted by Amanda at 12:38 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Posted by Amanda at 1:47 PM 12 comments
Saturday, March 8, 2008
mine, Mine, MINE!!!
Posted by Amanda at 9:49 PM 4 comments
Watch your toes while sitting at the computer desk.
Posted by Amanda at 11:43 AM 7 comments
Heel, Toe, Stomp!
So here are the 'Ugly Bugs' (Darlynn, I promise we just put them on, took the pictures then put them away so they will be nice for the recital!) I just think the costumes are so cute I can hardly stand it. Hopefully the recital will go well, Casey said they both did well in class today (which is probably the first time all year they both did well at the same time). There are only three weeks until their recital (only one week where they will actually have tap class), and I'm starting to get nervous. I can just imagine it now, Casey will have to stand up there and dance with them in order to get Porter not to feel shy, and Maya will sit down in the middle, throw her feet in the air kicking and screaming that she's "TIRED"! But I'm keeping my fingers crossed, and I'm sure we'll video tape it so if worse comes to worse we can laugh about it when the kids get older.
Posted by Amanda at 11:33 AM 6 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
So guess who is four whopping months old? You got it...Bennett. Who would have thought I'd let the time get away from me so quickly. He's now rolling over (back to belly) and loving life (as long as he's getting attention). He had his four month check up today and weighed in at 15 lbs. 12 oz. (50th percentile) and was in the 90th percentile for height (string bean)! He got 4 shots and didn't even cry (he's amazing). Now if I could only get him sleeping more than two hours at a time I'd be one happy momma!
Here's Maya playing with her tattoos (stickers) and decorating her brothers bandages with flowers and hearts, what a sweetie. She is quite the helper when she wants to be and loves playing. I have a hard time getting her to do much else. Casey found a huge 'thing' (It's like a child gate to keep kids out of the kitchen (X 8) but it makes a huge square like playpen (it was probably used for a pet). That doesn't explain it well, I'll have to take a pic next time we set it up) that Maya love to set up and pretend it's a pony corral, or a pet shop and she picks out parts for each of us. I'm usually "the girl who wants to get a puppy and take it home", Casey is usually "the bad man who catches the puppies when they get out" and Porter is usually another animal friend. Gotta give her points for imagination.
And here's the biggest boy of all. He got his shots for school today, and did very well (although unlike Bennett, he did cry-just a bit-). He's showing off his bandage that Maya fancied up for him. He is loving playing video games, and I'm loving it too because I make them earn 5 stickers, and if they do they get to play for 30 minutes before dad gets home. It's great. My house has been pretty clean all week, and I have quiet time while I make dinner. Casey always comments on it when he gets home from work and I have to say "Porter and Maya did it".
Posted by Amanda at 6:13 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
We have had the BEST weather the past two days. Minus the mud It's been absolutly beautiful. Yesterday we spend a good part of our day trying to track down a package and driving to timbucktoo only to discover the place was closed Mondays (aaaggghhhh)! Anyway the kids were pretty disapointed, the package is Porters birthday present from his cousin Landon. I called about the package, they told me where it was located, and it was about 35 minutes away (according to mapquest, which doesn't figure in traffic). So after about 45 minutes we pull onto the street where Fedex was located and Porter says "This is too far away. I'm getting tired, I should have brought my neck pillow Brigg got me for my birthday". Then we walk up to the door and Maya says "Are we going to the doggy place" (Fedex logo is a dog with a box in his mouth) I told her we were and she said "does this place have doggys or boxes?" I think she was pretty bummed when I said boxes. So hopefully we'll make better use of todays warm weather. I think i'm even going to skip the treadmill and walk outside today! Should be wonderful.
Posted by Amanda at 8:38 AM 5 comments
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Memories relating to the stake dance playlist
Ok so I'm highlighting the ones that specifically relate to stake dances in red, the rest are just fun memories...
1) When dad requested "Wild Thing" for Rebekah Grossbeck and she cried
2) When I found out mom can't do the YMCA properly (she does her C backwards because of her gimpy arm)
3) When Casey and I won a dance contest for the best "Cotton Eyed Joe" at Ricks (I can't believe you don't like that song Nicole!)
3) When Sarah, April, and I made up a dance to the Boyz II Men song Motownphilly, and requested it at every stake dance so we could "show off"
4) When Hannah was a baby and we would play the proclaimers song (we always called it "The Happy Song" becuase it made us all so happy)
5) When we went on a family vacation in Germany and they had kids night in the basement every night. There was a big huge wrestling ring and they would play "Jump Jump" and we'd all dance the night away.
6) When we would listen to "I Would Do Anything For Love" every day on the way to seminary
Posted by Amanda at 4:57 PM 2 comments
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Porter's 5th Birthday!
First we had lunch, dogs and drinks...
We played pin the flag on the castle...
We spun the kids around...
and they did pretty good...
and the kids loved chasing each other...
and begging to be picked...
and ...
Then we opened presents...
and made a major haul...
of all his favorite things...
from all his favorite friends...
and buddy's...
and amigos...
and pals...
Bennett hoped for a hot dog, but settled for his big toe instead.
Maya loved this one because it looked like a duck.
and played a balloon popping game but none of the kids weighed enough to pop a balloon on their own, so we had to push and bounce them till they popped.
Only 3 more months till we get to do it again!
Posted by Casey at 4:56 PM 10 comments