Monday, October 12, 2009

A visit from the Elmer's

My mom and grandma came to visit us last week but unfortunately my camera was in the shop so for pictures of that visit you'll have to go to my mom's blog ( We went to the aquarium and spent some time in Boston, mom and gran took a trip up the coast, we played at the super cool parks around here, and we really had a great time together. Then to ease the pain of them leaving the Elmer's came to visit!It was so nice to have them here for Miles blessing. It was a beautiful blessing for a beautiful baby on a beautiful day (the only thing that could have made it better was to have Grampy Porter here, but being a stake president is grueling)!

That baby is more than a hand full. He's pretty big for a two month old!
Blessing Miles wasn't all we did this weekend. We also...

...had delicious caramel apples

some kids like to savor their apples by mostly just licking them

While other kids just bite right in

but, Daddy may have enjoyed his most of all!

Then we all dressed like cranberry's and headed off for the 6th annual cranberry festival!

These were some of the crates they had displayed in a big barn

And here is some of the juice they also displayed

Here are the cranberries rocking out in the music section

There was an owl show that was awesome

although we all enjoyed it Maya might have liked it the best. She was on the edge of her seat (and Porter was on the edge of Grammys lap) the whole time.

Here is a peek at miles who spent the day sleeping in the Moby (I'd just like to say Moby's were made for urban livin'. It's just too bad I don't have a red one)

I sure wish we brought our waders so we could have waded out into those beautiful berries
I think Porter is pretending to eat a cranberry and Maya is pretending to be one.

Don't you just want to dive into that truck and take a swim?

Pretty amazing!

There was this massive sand pile that the kids played on forever. It was great fun.

Little miss sandy bum didn't mind getting a little dirty

Or a lot dirty for that matter

Our handsome Daddy supervised the whole sand pile (although secretly he was dying to run up that glorious mountain of sand)

Here is Porter sliding down the slope

Another peek at Miles

This is how Bennett spent most of his day. He and Poppy were inseparable on this trip. What will I do now that they are gone and I have no one to entertain the terrorist?

We didn't spend the whole vacation at the cranberry festival (we could have but we didn't). We also had some unforgettable trips to the children museum, Plymouth plantation (where we saw the mayflower and Plymouth rock, and a really cool Pilgrim and Indian village), Sam's club (that's a whole 'nother story), and a bit of exploring Cambridge.

It was a fun visit and we're sad it's over. We're always up for company (Who's next?)


Kathy said...

Thanks for the update. Little tears form in my eyes as I look at your lives unfold. I sure wish we could have been there for Miles's blessing and for all of the fun. I sure miss Porter, Maya, Bennett, and Miles. I love you all so much.

Sarah Harward said...

ME! ME! I WANT TO BE NEXT!! No kidding, as soon as Steven gets home I'm going to have a serious talk about when I can come out there!! I miss you guys so bad! Miles is such a chunck!! And I swear, I could kiss Bennett to death! I love Maya's face in the picture with you guys sitting next to the cranberries, and I'm very impressed Porter can chop into a carmel apple with a front toofer missing!! We love you guys and can't wait to see you at Thanksgiving!!!

Lynners said...

You guys do the coolest stuff! Great pics. Looks like you all had tons of fun.

Elaine said...

Hello! It's us!:-)